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Tuna Fishing boats
With more than 100 m. in length and 12 to 18 million euros it cost fishing boat more expensive and powerful. As the name suggests its only activity is tuna fishing in the tropical belt of the world's oceans, with purse seines. The technique involves, once discovered the shoal, surround it with large networks that are pulled by a heavy steel barge potent called panga. These tuna can freeze and store up to 200 tns. / Day in its 18 tanks frozen 2000 and up to 3000 m3 of capacity. Except for damage or fairing, these ships just have a rest period. Called mother ships are responsible for providing them their needs, crew changes and collect the tuna to carry the factory. Tuna larger and more abundant are of Bermeo and built in shipyards in Spain. Identification is simple, it is a stylized ship with the bow and stern launched ramped up the panga where, where is stowed while not pulling the net. A large central pole with a crow's nest from which monitors the presence of tuna and a strut attached to it, which supports hydraulic power block or yo-yo that drags the network to cover. The 60% of the catches of tuna fish in the shoal eastern Pacific are associated with dolphins. This association did not really know why why is that, but is supposed to be a consequence of using the same schools of fish for food. The reality is that you can find up to 1500 copies in the same bank mixed with tuna. A recent special fishing this clear call tuna "Yelow-end" is to include fishing team a turbojet speedboats that are leading to the dolphins and tuna, as a sheepdog leads the flock, to center of the network, as well as to flush out the trapped dolphins. From here the brands that are marketed under the label Dolfinsafe. Organizations like Greenpeace has repeatedly denounced the aggressive nature of these vessels.