Valuable model that decorates both his home as an office, and is a memorable gift that lasts through time. High quality construction with materials, with emphasis on small details. Measure also the shelf or place where you plan to put this beautiful reproduction, are larger than they appear.
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Brig 3 sticks of the Portuguese Navy
Built in 1937 in Germany as a ship of his army, his first name was "Albert Leo Schalageter." During the Second World War was transformed to fulfill missions for supplies of the fleet in the Baltic. Damaged during the war and after its conclusion was transported to America, where it was renamed the "Horst Wessel". In 1961 he was assigned to Brazil, where he served with the name of "Guanabara" and finally, in 1962 was sold to the Navy of Portugal, who purchased it to replace the "sacred", which was launched in 1896. Today is the training ship of Portugal. Its square sails are red crosses. It has a crew of 218 men including 12 officers and 86 professional seafarers. Her hull is of steel and is white with black stripe. His classic cruise across the Atlantic, in the north and the south, come to fulfill the long tradition of seafaring Portugal.
Encantada amb el servei
Era un regal i anava molt dirigit. Crec que la là mpara amb forma d'estrella de mar va satisfer les seves expectatives.
L'experiència de compra no podria haver estat millor. Si bé, vaig tenir problemes amb l'empresa de missatgeria que van extraviar inicialment el producte, quan em vaig posar en contacte per mail per amb nauticadecor per informar-los, de seguida em van respondre i van gestionar un nou enviament. Al dia segà¼ent a primera hora tenia el producte a la porta de casa.
Ora então por onde começar...
A encomenda veio toda amassada, e quando digo toda é toda!
O barco veio com algumas coisas tortas: mastros, velas, âncoras, algumas mal coladas ou soltas.
Gostava de poder anexar as fotos da encomenda para poder provar a minha insatisfação.